Blogging is hard. I understand that to some people it can act as a diary or a means of getting down thoughts and putting them somewhere tangible (if the internet can be called that), but that's not really me. I find it difficult to repeatedly post things in a special zone Where They Belong - seems too neat, and I'm far from organised. But anyway, ideally this will be the only self-conscious post. Everything else should be fiction, building on top of this actually true and unexciting post written by me here now sitting in this empty kitchen tapping into a little white box.
I write bits of stories, bits of poetry, and sometimes, miraculously, whole stories. Most of all I want to write novels but whatever isn't a novel will end up here, hopefully. This will be a space where stuff accumulates, a messy heap of work that I don't have to clean up but that you are free to pick through.
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